Vaccines Don't Work, Here Are the Facts
This is still the best infographic on vaccines of all time.
Once upon a time, long before the days of censorship, you could respond to vaccine misinformation online—and your posts would actually reach people. I’m sure it was scary to the pharmaceutical companies, World Health Organization, U.S. health agencies, certain political figures, and global elites because parents were listening and, for the first time, were questioning what they were being told.
One day in 2014, an infographic about vaccines was making the rounds. It made all sorts of dubious claims about the amazingness of vaccines and promised to give readers “the facts.” As I read through it, I found myself knee-deep in misinformation.
This infographic claimed that we owe our disease-free lives to vaccines—a “great medical advancement.” It gave a one-sided history of the creation of the first vaccine, an inaccurate account of the smallpox campaign, hailed the ineffective flu shot, misinterpreted the famous Lancet study, smeared Dr. Andrew Wakefield (the man who exposed the link between the MMR vaccine and autism), blamed Jenny McCarthy for the “anti-vaccine movement” that has been around since the 1800s, attributed autism to anything but vaccines, dishonestly claimed that injecting neurotoxins and hazardous wastes into a child was safe, and said we shouldn’t have a choice whether or not to vaccinate because we disrupt the herd immunity that isn’t even applicable to vaccines in the first place.
Even back then, you couldn’t trust the weirdos at SNOPES, so I immediately got a Google degree in graphic design and spent countless hours crafting a rebuttal to add to my long list of articles that have never been successfully debunked. The other day, several subscribers requested this article, and to my dismay, I found it collecting dust in a virtual vault.
The irony is that this infographic is still true, and the government has had ten years to “right” the “wrongs” and still hasn’t done it.